Ponseti clubfoot treatment comes to Maun

The third Botswana Ponseti training took place in Maun on 27 and 28 July. Maun is in North West district of Botswana and the administrative capital of Ngamiland. It is the gateway to the Okavango Delta, which one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa, officially on UNESCO World Heritage List.

#StepUp4STEPS: The story of the stories

Author Brené Brown once said: “When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write a brave new ending.” The clubfoot story is a story of hope, inspiration and determination. The happy ending is the gift of mobility. That is what STEPS wanted to highlight in our birthday month, to give more children the chance to write their own story. But what happened behind the scenes of the campaign?

A day at a clubfoot clinic

In Cape Town, STEPS has two programme partner clubfoot clinics, at Maitland Cottage Home and Tygerberg Hospital. Once a week, the waiting rooms are filled with parents and their clubfoot cuties coming for consultation, casting, or new boots and bars. Come along with us for a day at the clubfoot clinic!

The story of the Ponseti Method for clubfoot

The reason that over 95% of children born with clubfoot can have fully functional feet is the gentle treatment pioneered by Dr Ignaçio Ponseti. The success of the Ponseti treatment is a story of dedicated doctors and proactive parents. Discovering the new method Dr Ponseti pioneered his method at the University of Iowa in the 1950s […]

Coming up in July: STEPS’ 10th birthday and Mandela Day

STEPS started its journey when Karen (the founder of STEPS in South Africa) gave birth to her son Alex. Alex was born with clubfoot. It has been 10 years in July since Karen Moss founded STEPS, to educate, inform and raise awareness about clubfoot, to provide support to families and to work with clinics providing […]

Nedbank Procurement Charity Golf Day

Yogan’s little girl, Bronwyn, was born with clubfoot, and when she was only a few weeks old, he phoned STEPS to tell us that he wanted to raise money for children born with clubfoot in under-resourced areas of South Africa. 29 May was the first Nedbank Procurement Charity Golf Day for STEPS and Yogan’s team raised […]

STEPS family raises R420 000

Yogan’s little girl, Bronwyn, was born with clubfoot, and when she was only a few weeks old, he phoned STEPS to tell us that he wanted to raise money for children born with clubfoot in under-resourced areas of South Africa.