Five tips for fielding questions about your baby’s clubfoot casts

Walking around with your baby in toe-to-groin plaster casts is just one of the things that makes the experience of being the parent of a baby born with clubfoot different.

The first time casts are put on it’s quite a mess. You arrive at the clinic unprepared, you and your clothes are smeared in wet chalky streaks.

Cape Town Ponseti Races: 22 November

The annual Cape Town Ponseti Races event is to be held on Saturday 22 November from 10:00 till 12:00. Venue is confirmed at the wonderful African Brothers Football Academy in Gardens, Cape Town, so bring your soccer ball too!

We hope to see all the Ponseti kids there – bring the whole family for a picnic and lots of racing fun.

Second Botswana Ponseti training – Mahalapye, November 2014

Steps is hosting the second Botswana Ponseti training in Mahalapye this month, 18 months after the first successful training in Gaborone and the opening of the first clinic at Princess Marina Hospital, Gaborone.

We look forward to meeting the thirty delegates from all regions.

STEPS clinic days: Sharing knowledge and comfort

Each clubfoot clinic STEPS visits has its own personality. Some are perennially busy, being loud and full of life and others more quiet and calm. In each case the clinics are a place where families can meet, see children in all stages of treatment, and share their stories and give encouragement to other families going […]

STEPS launches Ponseti for Parents ©

When treating clubfoot, parents and caregivers are essential in ensuring a good outcome.

Parents also play a vital role in supporting other parents and sharing information. Some parents have been (and continue to be) the driving force to influence treatment change and introduce Ponseti to their country or region. The strength and dedication of Ponseti parents should not be under-estimated.

Four perfect little feet: Daniel and Cristina’s story

When did you find out about that your baby had/would have clubfoot? Daniel – The day he was born Cristina – at our 19 week foetal assessment scan 🙁 How did you feel? Daniel – I was absolutely distraught. I knew the possibility was big because of the fact that my uncle and myself were […]