67 minutes for STEPS this Mandela Day

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”
– Nelson Mandela

mandela dayThis Mandela Day, we are calling on people to donate 67 minutes of their salaries to help the lives of children born with clubfoot in South Africa.

South Africa has one of the highest occurrences of clubfoot in the world – nearly 2000 children will be born with clubfoot every year. A large number of these children cannot access effective treatment, and will be forced to live a lifetime of disability. This makes it more difficult for them to access education and employment, and they will often experience exclusion from society.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Clubfoot can be treated. The Ponseti Method has a 95% success rate in treating clubfoot. Children who can access treatment will be able to walk, run and play like any other child.

Since 2013, STEPS has enrolled 1663 children into our clubfoot treatment programmes. Whilst this is something we are extremely proud of, we know that there are many children who are still not able to access effective treatment.

With your help, we are seeking to ensure that more children get access to treatment and improve their lives.

This Mandela Day, we’re asking you to donate 67 minutes of your salary to STEPS to help us spread the Ponseti method to more areas of South Africa and enhance the lives of children born with clubfoot.

This of course requires some maths to work out what your donation would be. Here’s how to do that:
Monthly salary / [(working hours x working days) x (67 minutes/60 minutes)] x The donation amount

So, if you earn a monthly salary of R35 000 and work 8 hours a day, 20 days a month, the amount to donate would be 35 000/[(8 x 20) x (67/60)] = R196.

You are also welcome to donate any amount that you would like to without using this maths formula!

Please include a personal message with your donation that we can share with the children we support.

Donate Now

mandela day blog