Bulumko’s Clubfoot Story

Nobaxolisi Magwegwe’s son Bulumko is an active three year old who was born with bilateral clubfoot.

Nobaxolisi says, “I never expected that my son would have clubfoot when he was born, I had never heard about it, no one in my family had ever had clubfoot. I was shocked. The nurse that helped me deliver my son told me I must take my boy to the Tygerberg clubfoot clinic. She said they would be able to help.:

When Nobaxolisi and Bulumko, who live in Delft, arrived for their first appointment at the clinic after a forty five minute trip, they met Jane Mackinnon who is the Steps Clinic Coordinator at the Tygerberg clubfoot clinic.

Nobaxolisi says, “Talking to Jane made me feel like I was supported, I was given all the information about clubfoot and my son’s treatment process. Everyone at the clinic told me that if I took my son to his clubfoot appointments and followed the process everything would be okay. They gave me hope.”

Bulumko successfully completed his casting phase with Nobaxolisi bringing him to every appointment and following all the instructions given to her by the clinical team. He is now wearing his clubfoot brace at night and Nobaxolisi is so happy with the results.

“My advice to parents with a baby born with clubfoot is they must not give up, they must keep coming to the clinic, and they will see the difference every week. My son likes running and playing with his friends, no one believes me when I tell people what Bulumko’s feet were like when he was born. I am very thankful to everyone that helped.”

– Nobaxolisi