Frankie’s clubfoot success story

When Vicky Willis found out about her son Frankie's clubfoot diagnosis, her heart sank. Now, knowing all she does about the process, she's started an Instagram account for Frankie so people can follow his journey, connecting people across the world. 

When Vicky Willis found out about her son Frankie’s clubfoot diagnosis, her heart sank. Now, knowing all she does about the process, she’s started an Instagram account for Frankie so people can follow his journey, connecting people across the world. 

clubfoot success storyWhen did you find out that your baby had/would have clubfoot?

At my second scan.

How did you feel?

My heart sank as I was only told that my baby had a problem with his feet, I wasn’t told what it was. I was sent to another hospital the next day to see a consultant who would explain it to me. I felt sick for the 24 hours I was waiting to see the consultant.

What was the correction process like for you and your family?

Hard, very hard, as to see my baby go through what he did and the sores and cuts and bruises was horrible and there was nothing that I could do for him.

How did you find out about STEPS?

Through the hospital and Google, as I was googling clubfoot talipes.

How did STEPS assist you on your journey?

They helped me with questions and queries.

What advice would you offer to other families going through similar journeys?

Ask questions. I didn’t and it would have helped. Frankie now has his own Instagram showing the process and pictures of his journey. I am so glad we’ve done this as people from all over the world ask questions about their little ones which is lovely, as I would have benefited from this going through it at the beginning.

Thank you Vicky for sharing your story and Frankie’s clubfoot journey to educate and inspire other parents who are on the same journey! It is so comforting for new parents to know that clubfoot is treatable.