Lisule’s Clubfoot success story

Lisule is a pretty little girl who is almost two years old. She was born with bilateral clubfoot and has been coming to the clubfoot clinic at Maitland Cottage Children's Orthopaedic Hospital in Cape Town since she was born. Steps has supported this clubfoot clinic since 2013, and we have been happy to watch and encourage Lisule's progress.

lisule baza patient story steps clubfoot care

Don’t lose hope. It’s all for your child!

Lisule is a pretty little girl who is almost two years old. She was born with bilateral clubfoot and has been coming to the clubfoot clinic at Maitland Cottage Children’s Orthopaedic Hospital in Cape Town since she was born. Steps has supported this clubfoot clinic since 2013, and we have been happy to watch and encourage Lisule’s progress.

Lisule’s dedicated mom Monika has made sure to bring her daughter to the clinic from Langa where they live with the rest of their family. It’s a 45 minute trip each way, and in the first two months, they had to be there every week, but Monika feels that the sacrifice has been well worth it when she sees the amazing results that the clinic staff have achieved.

One of the immense privileges we have in our work at clubfoot clinics for the Steps clubfoot care programme is that we can witness the progress of babies growing into toddlers. Their families become part of a supportive community as they come into the clinic, hesitant and unsure with their tiny newborns when they first come in for casting, until eventually their child is like Lisule, wearing her brace at night, with her mom so proud of her progress.

Monika is dedicated to her daughter Lisule and has never missed an appointment. Moms like Monika become clubfoot champions, they go from being uncertain and worried, to giving other families encouragement when they are new to the journey.

Monika shares her experience as a clubfoot parent so far:

Steps: When did you find out about your baby’s clubfoot?

Monika: I only found out about Lisule’s clubfoot after I had given birth.

Steps: How did you feel?

Monika: I felt lost, very bad and sad. I felt like it was my fault. I was so worried for her. When she was born Lisule also had other problems.

Steps: What has the treatment been like for you and your family?

Monika: My family was very supportive, especially on the days that I felt down.

Steps: How did you find out about us?

Monika: I found out about Steps at the first clinic visit when I met them and they talked to me about my baby’s treatment.

Steps: What advice would you give other families going through a similar journey?

Monika: They must be strong and attend each and every visit so their child can be healed. Don’t lose hope. It’s all for your child.

Thanks Monika for sharing Lisule’s story!

Steps thanks our generous donors for supporting our programme that improves the lives of so many children born with clubfoot.