STEPS Foundation crowdfunds to supply PPE to clinic caregivers – World Clubfoot Day

STEPS Charity proudly launches the Steps Uthutho Fund on BackaBuddy, to celebrate 2020 World Clubfoot Day.

STEPS Foundation crowdfunds to supply PPE to clinic caregivers – World Clubfoot Day

STEPS Charity proudly launches the Steps Uthutho Fund on BackaBuddy, to celebrate 2020 World Clubfoot Day.

Initially planned as a transport and care package initiative, STEPS has decided to expand the campaign to provide PPE for front line staff working at some of the 36 state clubfoot clinics that are short of stock, and taking daily risks to support patients. The PPE will also be used for caregivers attending the clinics to minimise risk of infection.

Travel to the clinics is expensive and the cost of the initial regular weekly treatments impacts on the family income. Patients must be at the clinic at least 20 times for successful treatment. Treatment can fail if parents do not attend the clinics regularly, resulting in disability. The launch of the Steps Uthutho Fund is life-changing and will assist these families enormously.Continue reading on porky’s people

Our target to celebrate 2020 World Clubfoot Day is R30 000

Support families in need who travel far every week to clinics for vital clubfoot treatment

Help us to supply PPE to the health workers and parents attending clubfoot clinics in South Africa

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