So you’ve heard about #StepUp4STEPS and you want to get involved? That’s great news!

We want to hear your clubfoot story – a story that will inspire and give hope to other families. By helping STEPS to raise awareness and funds, you can help a child walk – or run or play or dance!
This is how you do it:
• Share a picture, a video, or a drawing, telling either your own story or the story of your child on:
For instance a ‘before’ and ‘after’ picture, or show us ‘what did you do with your feet today?’.
- If you need some inspiration, feel free to use these questions: What kind of treatment have you/your child had? What’s your/your child’s life like now? What would you say to parents starting their journey today?
- Encourage friends to share the story with #StepUp4STEPS and #myclubfootstory on social media and donate on our fundraising at BackaBuddy.
- Download this drawing template as a great frame for your drawing, take a snap and send it to us!
At the end of the campaign a selection of stories will be exhibited at clubfoot clinics in South Africa.
Our goal is to collect 67 stories by the end of July.
It costs R 2,500 to support the treatment of one child from birth to 4 years old. Help us to raise R 25,000 so that 10 children can have their own #myclubfootstory to tell.
Pay it forward and help STEPS to give more children their own story of hope. We can’t wait to hear your story!
If you don’t know anyone with clubfoot you can still help! Make a donation at BackaBuddy and share the image below on social media to help us raise awareness about clubfoot, how it is treatable and how anyone born with clubfoot can lead an active life.