We’re a third of the way towards our R30 000 target – join us!

We all face challenges, and there are so many problems in the world today that can make us feel overwhelmed. Clubfoot is a problem that has a solution. It is overwhelming for parents at first, but with early skilled care, these children are assured of a completely normal life without disability. Our ‘Steptember’ campaign was […]

67 minutes for STEPS this Mandela Day

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” – Nelson Mandela This Mandela Day, we are calling on people to donate 67 minutes of their salaries to help the lives of children born with clubfoot in South Africa. South Africa has one of the […]

Girl donates pocket money to help another child with clubfoot

Talia was born with complex bilateral clubfeet. She had casts for 13 weeks in Cape Town when she was a baby and wore her boots and bars until she was four years old. She had to have two tenotomies as a baby, and a tendon transfer as a five year old.