Angawakho’s Clubfoot success story

Two-month old Angawakho was born in Kwa-Zulu Natal with bilateral clubfoot. Luckily, he was diagnosed early and he started as a patient at the Grey’s Hospital clubfoot clinic, which is supported by Steps clubfoot care.

Mivuyo’s Clubfoot success story

Little Mivuyo is just two months old. He was born with bilateral clubfoot and he started coming to the Ponseti clubfoot clinic at Tygerberg Hospital just after he was born. Steps has supported this clinic since 2013, and we have met many precious little ones like Mivuyo starting the Ponseti process who now run around the clinic when they come in for their check-ups.

Hein’s Clubfoot success story

Hein and his twin-brother Malan are two gorgeous bundles of fun. They were born in August 2017, Malan with regular feet and his twin Hein was diagnosed with bilateral clubfeet. The twins and their parents Santana and Heinrich live just 10 minutes from the Steps partner clinic at Tygerberg Hospital, and they all came into the clinic together for Hein’s treatment, at first weekly and then for check-ups. They are very popular visitors, chatting to the clinic staff and making new friends every time they arrive.

Lisule’s Clubfoot success story

Lisule is a pretty little girl who is almost two years old. She was born with bilateral clubfoot and has been coming to the clubfoot clinic at Maitland Cottage Children’s Orthopaedic Hospital in Cape Town since she was born. Steps has supported this clubfoot clinic since 2013, and we have been happy to watch and encourage Lisule’s progress.

Lister’s Clubfoot success story

Six-month old Lister was born with bilateral clubfoot. Lister is a patient at the Tygerberg Clubfoot clinic, which is supported by Steps clubfoot care.

Steps supporter raises funds for 2 000 clubfoot braces by running 777 World Marathon

The dedication and tenacity of our clubfoot champions often blows us away. Dr Debra Carneol, a Steps supporter and dentist from Iowa, USA, completed the grueling 777 World Marathon and, in doing so, raised enough funds to donate 2 000 clubfoot braces from Clubfoot Solutions to support the Steps clubfoot clinic programme in eight provinces. […]

Clubfoot success story: Running, jumping Anthony

When my wife was 16 weeks pregnant, we went for a 4D scan to check the sex of the baby. It was then that we were told that our baby had clubfeet. Between then and the birth we were given a consultation with a physio at Royal Free Hospital, who explained everything and scheduled it […]