Laces for Braces, Our Clubfoot Awareness campaign launched 3 June 2016

In 2016 STEPS has launched a new clubfoot awareness campaign, called “Laces for Braces”, which was announced on World Clubfoot Day, 3 June.

We’ve called on schools, businesses, sport teams and all Ponseti kids to take part and wear a pair of bright laces to show their support of World Clubfoot Day.

Jennifer Niksch completes 500km adventure race for STEPS

Jennifer Niksch recently undertook – and completed – Expedition Africa, a daunting 500km adventure race to raise funds and awareness for the treatment of clubfoot. She raced with Lunar Chicks, the only all-girls team in a field of 54 teams, mostly made up of three guys and one girl.

Clubfoot kids to benefit from 500km adventure race

500km adventure race for the 1 in 500 kids born with clubfoot in South Africa. Jennifer Niksch and Jet de Wet are taking on the challenge as a two-person team, in an extreme race usually done in teams of four. Expedition Africa is a 500km adventure race along the Garden Route in the Western Cape. This extreme race consists of several disciplines, including mountain biking, trekking, kayaking, orienteering, rope work, swimming and canyoneering. Their amazing adventure with a purpose will raise funds for the successful treatment of children born with the common birth defect clubfoot.

STEPS follow-up with Wamaanda from Limpopo

STEPS, with the assistance of Jacaranda FM’s Good Morning Angel Fund, has been privileged to be part of the treatment of a very special boy. Last year, we were contacted by a family who had seen a story about our founder on the ‘Against All Odds’ eNCA channel. They sent photos of their nine-month-old son […]

Fair Lady: Mothers changing the world because of their children – Clubfoot

Karen Moss (STEPS founder) was featured in the February 2016 issue of Fair Lady in a story about mothers who are changing the world because of their children. Dr Ponseti believed that the bond between a mother and child was so strong that a mother knows instinctively what is best for her child, and he […]