Damian’s success story at Tygerberg Hospital’s clubfoot clinic

When Damian Kotze was born with clubfoot in 2015, his parents Sheena and Ryan from Kraaifontein, faced uncertainty about his future. They didn’t know much about clubfoot and the future they could expect for their little boy.

clubfoot success story

When Damian Kotze was born with clubfoot in 2015, his parents Sheena and Ryan from Kraaifontein, faced uncertainty about his future. They didn’t know much about clubfoot and the future they could expect for their little boy.

Damian was referred to our partner clinic at Tygerberg Hospital where he had weekly assessments, manipulation and plaster casts applied to his legs. After eight weeks of casts, Damian was ready for an Achilles tenotomy, which is a non-invasive surgical procedure that can be done in the clinic with local anaesthetic.

“Damian is a very contented and friendly boy, we are extremely proud of how well he has handled the clubfoot treatment,” Ryan says. “We are also thankful for the great work done by the team at Tygerberg Hospital’s clubfoot clinic and Steps.”

“Damian sleeps in his boots and bar every night and his feet are looking fantastic,” Sheena says. “I am so grateful for the wonderful treatment he had at the clinic, and the Steps parent adviser who helps out weekly was very supportive, answering any extra questions we had after seeing the doctor, giving advice.”

The Tygerberg clubfoot clinic has a family room that has been furnished with comfortable seating and baby-friendly toys. Every week, the families meet there, drink coffee and tea together, and chat about their experience with each other and the Steps parent adviser, and give each other encouragement. “Having this space to share our experiences, both good and challenging, with other families has made what was a frightening diagnosis much easier to handle,” says Ryan.

Damian is now a very active toddler. “He doesn’t walk, he runs!” laughs Sheena. His parents are relieved that their son is walking and playing without any problem. “Damian has regular check-ups and we are exceptionally happy with his progress and so proud of him,” says Ryan. Thanks to Tygerberg clubfoot clinic’s excellent care and the support of Steps, Damian can look forward to a life of full mobility.

clubfoot success story


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