3rd International Clubfoot Symposium. June 1-4, 2014 Barcelona, Spain

Organised by the Ponseti International Association: “In 2012 we celebrated the incredible strides made worldwide in clubfoot treatment and renewed the Promise Made that together we can and we will eradicate untreated clubfoot. Our Mission continues in 2014 in the birth country of Dr. Ponseti. STEPS will join doctors, NGOs, parents, and other clubfoot champions from around the world in Barcelona for the 3rd International Clubfoot Symposium.

Riley’s clubfoot story

When we found out in May 2012 that we were having a baby brother for our oldest, Tannah, we were ecstatic. It was exactly what we wanted – until the 27 June 2012 when, during our anomoly scan, the doctor noticed something. I immediately knew something was wrong by her demeanour. “Bilateral clubfeet,” she said […]

Finding Dr Ponseti: A life-changing experience

On a freezing snowy morning, 7 April 2003, my husband Steve and I were the first South Africans to visit Dr Ponseti at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. We had made the scary, but life-changing decision to travel 10 000 miles with our 10-week-old son Alex for clubfoot treatment